Frequently Asked Questions

Check out our frequently asked questions to help to get started.

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How long does it typically start using Hireo and seeing results?

With Hireo you could be interviewing candidates after just 72 hours! Integrating with existing ATS systems will take longer but starting with us could not be easier.  We'll work with you on any system integration required.

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Is Hireo suitable for all types of businesses and industries?

Yes, Hireo is highly versatile and adaptable, making it suitable for businesses and industries across the board. The platform's customisable features and scalable solutions can cater to your specific recruitment needs.

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How does Hireo use AI technology in recruitment?

AI technology and process automation is integral to the Hireo process with human touch points to ensure accuracy and relevance to your hiring needs. It helps create job templates and automates the screening and scoring of CVs and video interviews. Using advanced algorithms and machine learning, Hireo analyses candidate data, identifies relevant skills, and ranks candidates by suitability for the role, helping you save time CV shifting and ensuring a non-bias selection process.

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What sets Hireo apart from other recruitment platforms?

Our unparalleled speed allows for rapid candidate screening and selection, reducing time-to-hire significantly. Our AI-driven and automation technology also ensures precise and unbiased candidate assessments, leading to the highest quality hires. No other recruiter will be able to assess 100% of applied candidates, meaning you are able to view a greater pool of candidates than anyone else.

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How does Hireo ensure fairness and eliminate bias in candidate selection?

We leverage AI technology and process automation to eliminate bias and ensure equal opportunities for all candidates. Through anonymisation techniques, Hireo removes identifying information such as name, gender, and ethnicity from candidate profiles, allowing us to focus solely on qualifications and skills.

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Is Hireo GDPR compliant and how do you handle candidate data privacy?

Yes, Hireo is compliant with GDPR and prioritises candidate data privacy and security. We adhere to strict data protection regulations and implement robust measures to safeguard the confidentiality and integrity of candidate and client information.

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Can Hireo help us reduce recruitment costs?

Absolutely, Hireo's innovative technology has been proven to significantly reduce recruitment costs for our clients. By automating manual tasks, streamlining workflows, and optimising the hiring process, Hireo minimises resource expenditures associated with traditional recruitment methods.

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